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Jason and Rebecca Osborn
Jason - Well, I am sure that there are countless other people with a similar story to mine. That's why I want to help. If I can reach my goals, purpose and greatness, then I believe anyone can. I grew up in a single parent household and we were always living from month to month on my Moms' income. She was a hard worker and she always made sure we had the necessities of life. We weren't poor but we knew that we were definitely not in the upper class. I remember thinking that McDonald's was where rich people went for fast food! My mom raised me and my brother to be confident and she always told us that we had the ability to do anything we ever wanted. I always knew that I was meant to do something great in life and had been told that by more people than I could count. BUT, it seemed like everything that I did always ended up just average or even failed. One day I had a friend of mine asking me to get involved in a network marketing business. I have always been open to different types of businesses so I took a look at it and joined on the spot. In this company I didn't make much money but the education I received was priceless. I began to hear leaders in that business talk about reaching you greatness. It's like I tapped into a world of people that thought like me but at a much higher level. I never knew that this group of people even existed. I learned so many things and it grew in me a thirst for knowledge. As I began to apply the things that I learned I saw my life begin to change. All of a sudden I began to be surrounded with people that were very successful in life. I began to have a deeper understanding of what my life was all about. There is so much more for me to learn and it thrills me to know that my life has a great purpose.
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