3DN in detail

Three Dimensional Networking is my attempt to describe the function of that meta-system in which we all participate. The system looks different when we view it in three dimensions than it does from one dimension or from two dimensions – the difference of seeing from the inside rather than seeing from the outside.

When we are seeing (or thinking) in the first dimension, we are focused on what we must give to the system in order to take what we need from the system. We are concerned only with that portion of the value flow that flows through us personally – a small arc in a circle of value flows – or – perhaps, small arcs on the circle of each value flow in which we participate.

When we are seeing (or thinking) on behalf of a group (organization, business, non-profit, school, government, family) of people, we have to think in terms of a second dimension. We are focused on what our group must give to the system in order to take what it needs from the system – and, at the same time, what each member must give and receive to remain a member of the group thereby allowing the group to give what it needs to give. We are concerned with whole cycles of give and take, internally, around that portion of the flow of value that flows through the organization – a small arc on the circle of each value flow in which the organization participates.

From the first or second dimension it appears that we, individually or as a group, are competing with other groups and other individuals to divide up the value in the system. We can only see that value that is available for us to take and know only what “we” must do in order to obtain that value. In these dimensions, the temptation is to cheat, or steal or go to war to prevent others from taking the value “we” need because otherwise the “others” will get that value and it will no longer be available for “us”.

But, if we look at the flow of all the value through the whole system – all the production and consumption cycles – both living food webs and human enterprise – we see that every small arc is a part of a whole circle of production and consumption. All consumption is also production – every giving is also a taking. One thing must give in order for another to take – yet that thing giving must also be taking until it ultimately comes back to - we are only able to take because we are capable of giving.

The meta-system is one whole spherical set of flows. The amount of value flowing through the system increases with the number of people giving value to the system (and the number of plants and creatures giving value to the system). When our actions impair the ability of another (person, plant or creature) to give value to the system, then there is less value flowing through the system – and we all suffer. When we enable another (person, plant or creature) to give value to the system, then there is more value flowing through the system – and we all benefit. And in this respect, there are no win-lose situations. From three dimensions we can see clearly that every choice has a net result of more value flowing through the system or less value flowing through the system. We are either all winning or all losing.

If our goal is to change system function so that is works better for more people, plants and creatures – which is the only rational goal when we view the system from three dimensions – then, we must understand how the system functions. Value flows are directed through the system by the bridges that individuals choose to maintain. Value increases or decreases as a function of the complexity of those bridges. To increase complexity for the benefit of us all, we need a Better Map and to practice Using a Better Map.

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