
Welcome to To join our Community Forum Please click Here. The AdelGeorgia.Net forum has a great community of friends and neighbors that discuss local, state, national, and international events. Not to mention all the general discussions of event gatherings, friendship, debate, and concern for fellow citizens. If your looking for a place to visit lively discussions and get to know some really great people then you've come to the right place AdelGeorgia.Net. AdelGeorgia.Net is a community website for Adel, Georgia and surrounding areas. Members from all over the United States have joined the site to join in on friendly discussions and to gain information on issues such as moves, jobs, relatives, ect...ect...

AdelGeorgia.Net is the areas foremost website and delivers not only a way to connect but valuable information on elections and local events.

AdelGeorgia.Net, We're All Family Here

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