
I found this site through domain tools and I was amazed to find so much information about our own websites already on here. Way to go! Social networking is the future of sustainability. As far as I can tell this site is going to be a huge success!

I received an Associates Degree in Arts and Science (focused on Latin American studies) from Langara College in Vancouver. After that I completed half of a Library Technician program before I was employed as a Library Clerical (History and Arts department) at the central branch of the Vancouver Public Library.

Aside from being a library/computer geek I have a passion for photography and cycle-touring. I get a kick out of tweaking web designs and I try to help renewable energy websites gain as much exposure as I can. I'm hoping civilization will find a way past our suicidal addiction to oil and pollution, and I have a feeling alternative energy technologies are going to be HUGE this coming century. Exciting times! - Read more about us


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