offers area codes of all North American states & cities


area codes on-line resource, area code listings for the US and Canada, area codes directory by state or in numerical order

Description was designed to offer our web site visitors an on-line resource to find all area code information within the North American Numbering Plan.

Using our site, you can search for the area codes in a particular state, find the cities in a particular area code, find what state a certain area code is in, and also find Canadian area codes information.

We want you to use our site as your on-line resource to find the information about area codes that you are seeking. The site is updated and maintained on a regular basis. Our costs to operate the web site are paid for by our sponsors' advertising. We have researched our advertisers to ensure that they offer quality products and services relating to our site content. So, please do visit their sites:)

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3733 Rd 9 NW
Ephrata WA 98823 US

+1 509 787 5055

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