
Allusions of Grandeur


Excerpted from the website description:

Allusions of Grandeur - A Web-Manga created by Sebastion Riot, Join a world of mythology and anime.

Allusions of Grandeur is the newest website by Sebastion Riot. Known for their shonen style manga approach in the webcomic world they also tend to mix influences of other cultures. Allusions of Grandeur was Released in February of 2007 after a small delay from the original release date of January. The comic is full page manga format with English left to right reading.

Sebastion Riot is from New Jersey and he has been seen at conventions such as Otakon, Katsucon, Anime USA, NekoCon, Anime Central and more. He believe in Web-Mangas vs. Webcomics being two seperate entities.[1] has utilized RSS technology as they have developed their site along with ASP. The reason for this is Sebastion's full time job as the Director of a web / graphic designer department.

Additional Information used to be but the writer and artist of Allusions of Grandeur, Digital Lemonade, and Terminal Veracity has decided to make the name less personal and more specific to this project.

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