
From Illusion to Illumination : Academy Of Life


Excerpted from the website:

About Us
We are all Seeker Souls. What are we seeking? Some of us are seeking financial wealth; some, the minor or major luxuries of life and enjoyment of various pleasures; yet some are seeking control over their environment, or on the others around or the own self; some seek for love and acceptance; others are seek avenues for self-expression and the creation of a identity unique to the self; some are seeking to make their dreams and visions come true, and a few are also seeking the Oneness, or the union with the Divine. At the end of it, we all are seeking for something or the other, in everything we do. Yet, what is it that lies behind this entire frantic search that takes up all of our lives? Behind everything we do, lays the search for fulfilment. We are ultimately seeking for that which leaves us feeling complete.
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