
Express ATM Northeast Inc


How much money can I make in the ATM business?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. There are many factors involved including how many ATMs you own, customer traffic in the ATM area, and the number of transactions per ATM. How much money you make depends on where the ATM is located and if it is needed. Having many customers nearby does not guarantee an ATM will be used, but it is a great advantage to offer the service.

An ATM will only do well if it is located where it is needed, with as many potential customers as possible. There must be a reason to obtain cash, or the ATM must be located for convenience. Example: ATMs located in nightclubs, amusement parks and casinos do well becasue customers run short of on-hand cash. ATM's located in the lobby of apartment buildings will do well for convenience when there is no need to drive cross-town to visit the bank.

ATM Processing

We will process the machines we sell for free, as well as currently owned ATMs transferred to us, which means no monthly fees, no network access fees. You get personal support from Express ATM and keep all the surcharge money that your ATMs earn.

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