
This is your website. You are the owner of the content that is available here. It's up to you to decide what is constructive for the community and what is not. In this sense everything that's not a deliberate abuse of this channel, is Constructive.

Why it's important

Remember! This is AboutUs, not about me so the only touchstone for deciding whether something is a constructive contribution to AboutUs or not is to see if it's good for the community or not. Being encouraging, respecting somebody else's contribution and using your own knowledge and experience to guide others is the only way to realize the true potential of this project to be a comprehensive resource for information as well as expressing your opinions.

How do I get about it

  • Just contribute what you think should be there.
  • Removing disruptive material is constructive. Try to feel empathy with others, even if by doing this, you think somebody's trying to misuse these pages, for example by adding spam, just remove it.
  • Try not to be too judgmental.

Related BeABuilder AssumeGoodFaith

See also:

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