
Bridgewater Volunteer Rescue Squad


The Bridgewater Volunteer Rescue Squad began providing free emergency medical and rescue services to our communities in June of 1973. The agency purchased two used ambulances, recruited 20 volunteers, and operated out of an unheated cinderblock building.

In 1986, with the addition of a special rescue team and community auxiliary, a rapidly increasing number of emergency responses and the need for additional emergency equipment, the rescue squad moved some operations back into the original cinderblock building, occupying a total of 7,800 square feet.

In the more than years since the Virginia Avenue building was built, there have been dramatic increases in both the services provided and the number of people served. In 1974 the rescue squad responded to 345 emergencies; in 1999 there were 1,394 responses -- a 304% increase -- and the numbers are still rising. Since 1974 the number volunteers has also increased by 431%.

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Bridgewater Volunteer Rescue Squad
Bridgewater Virginia
United States 22812

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