
CRKInteractive - Our Sales, Consulting, Customer Service, Leadership,Communication, Team Building, Workforce Optimization and Personal Relationship skills development programs can assist you and your organization in optimizing and improving productivity. : Sales Skills,Consulting Skills,Customer Service Skills,Leadership Skills,Management Skills,Communication Skills,Team Building Skills,Workforce Optimization,Personal Relationship Skills


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CRKInteractive is a learning solutions company with a curriculum developed over the past sixteen years by Len D'Innocenzo & Jack Cullen. Len & Jack have coached thousands of management, sales, and customer service professionals (among others) to realize increased success over the years. The results achieved by the most experienced veterans, rookies and those in between has been outstanding.

"Winners in life continuously look for ways to improve their performance. CRK:Interactive makes it easier than ever to do that with online learning courses designed to help you increase your effectiveness when interacting with others... I recommend CRKI's ..." [more]

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