is an online newspaper



About Us

What is BuzzGrub, you ask? To you it may merely sound like poetic assonance, the repetition of vowel sounds, but to us it’s the perfect embodiment of what we do and who we are. Buzz is the word on the street, the happening, the 411, the deal – the everything that is now. Grub is like Thanksgiving dinner for your brain – a feast of knowledge that’s both savory and sweet (and oh so delicious).

BuzzGrub is a community of writers tapped into the vein of the then, the now, and the what’s to come; feeding readers the info they need to learn and want to know on every subject from politics to sports to entertainment. If people are talking about it, our writers are writing about it.

BuzzGrub is a society of readers not content with their news served wrapped in wax paper like a flaccid fast food burger; having their identity slowly chipped away until all that’s left is the smeared smile of a generic clown. Our readers want a buffet of thought laid out in front of them.

BuzzGrub is the internet that opened up a democracy of ideas where everyone has a voice worthy of being heard. Our community nurtures the song of its writers and the spirit of the readers. We didn’t build a wall between our staff and their audience; we erected a bridge so they could freely trade in the currency of perception and understanding.

BuzzGrub is current. BuzzGrub is interesting. BuzzGrub is you.

Become a BuzzGrubber

From local events to national dramas; sports to entertainment; business news to travel – if it’s on the lips and minds of the community, it’s written on the pages of BuzzGrub by our team of BuzzGrubbers.

Successful BuzzGrubbers have a talent for weaving words about the topics that matter into interesting stories and blogs much like bees build a honeycomb. Their writing isn’t just the foundation of the hive it’s also sweet and irresistible like honey, attracting new readers for the benefit of the entire colony.

BuzzGrubbers are writers. BuzzGrubbers are bloggers. BuzzGrubbers are editors.

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