provides health services,companion care services


California Registry - Senior Housing Locator and Counseling


When you call our agency, we provide you with a free assessment of your needs, if you wish. We ask a number of questions pertaining to your needs. These questions have to do with geographic preferences, care needs if any, and budget requirements. Armed with this information, a counselor can then suggest the options that are available and answer questions about the different types of care facilities and what they cost, whether they have vacancies, etc. We can help with questions regarding different programs such as SSI (Special Supplemental Income), Medi-Cal and Medicare and how they apply to your particular circumstance.

We can also help you understand the levels of care and the differences between Assisted Living, Board and Care, Residential Care, Skilled Nursing Facilities, etc. Our experienced counselors will give you valuable tips on what to look for and what to watch out for when choosing a facility. Our goal is to arm you with the best advice and information possible so that you can make the best choice for yourself or your family member.

Once the profile of your needs has been identified, the counselor will select a number of facilities that meet these needs in the area of your preference and give you the information right over the phone. If you have access to a fax, the information and referrals can be faxed to you in a matter of minutes.

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