was the presidential transition website for Obama/Biden.

The Official Web Site of the The U.S. Presidential Transition

Throughout the Presidential Transition Project, this website is a source for the latest news, events, and announcements so that you can follow the setting up of the Obama Administration. And just as this historic campaign was, from the beginning, about you -- the transition process will offer you opportunities to participate in redefining our government.

Social Media

Currently, the only social media integrated into the website is (a Google web site). It seems unfair to give preferential treatment to over and above all other social media websites (whether commercially oriented -- e.g. with "ads by Google" -- or not). Nmw 09:02, 17 November 2008 (PST)

I am happy to report that it appears that is incorporating more & more social media sources. Now I would like to know why they are selecting those sources which they are choosing to include (and/or exclude). Nmw 12:06, 19 November 2008 (PST)

The possibility of this wiki page

Can this wiki page be a place for people to organize their thoughts / information on this process? ~~ MarkDilley

Enjoy the Internet Freedom now before it is gone

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