Chris Goldfarb


PortlandTech Chris goldfarb.jpg


Position: President


  • .NET has been Chris' main focus since the pre-beta bits were released, and has both developed applications and trained others on the framework.
  • He has travelled as far as Russia to train engineers on .NET.
  • Chris represented Intel's .NET efforts as a speaker at the .NET Showcase Theater in the 2001 Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference in Los Angeles, and has presented .NET topics twice to over 800 engineers of the Intel Developer's User Group.
  • He is a board member of the Intel e-Business Group .NET Taskforce and International .NET Association.
  • Chris is Microsoft certified in .NET and has been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) status as Microsoft Visual Developer and Visual C#.
  • Prior to joining Intel in January 2001, he engineered mission-critical applications for the United States Air Force, United States Strategic Command. These applications included early-warning, ballistic missile flight path, and nuclear readiness assessment systems.

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