
Columbus Church of Christ


You have probably heard of churches of Christ. And perhaps you've asked, "Who are these people? What--if anything--distinguishes them from the hundreds of other churches in the world?"

Worldwide there are some 20,000 congregations of churches of Christ with a total of 21/2 to 3 million individual members. There are small congregations, consisting of just a few members--and large ones made up of several thousand members.

The greatest concentration of numerical strength in churches of Christ is in the southern United States where, for instance, there are about 40,000 members in some 135 congregations in Nashville, Tennessee. Or, in Dallas, Texas, where there are approximately 36,000 members in 69 congregations. In such states as Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Kentucky--and others--there is a church of Christ in practically every town, no matter how large or small.

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