
Concord School of Taekwon-Do


About Us

The Concord School of Taekwon-Do was established in September 1995 and is the only Taekwon-Do school in the metro west area that is certified and licensed with both the United States Taekwon-Do Federation (USTF) and the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF). Our credentials mean that our students' rank certifications are nationally and internationally recognized and our students are welcome to train at any USTF/ITF school in the country or the world.

We teach classes in a very traditional way. At the Concord School we teach Taekwon-Do the way it was meant to be taught; with dignity and respect for all students regardless of age, gender, or culture. Learning is best in a positive supportive environment and we do our very best to achieve that end for every skill level and age group. Students progress through the rank system learning that not only are positive efforts rewarded, but that added rewards also mean added responsibilities to themselves and others.

We start with the basics and make sure that students fully understand the techniques that they are being taught before they move on to the next level. We have very high standards for our students: standards that are set forth by the governing bodies of the USTF & ITF and so are higher than other non-affiliated Taekwon-Do schools.

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Concord School of Taekwon-Do
Concord MA
United States 01742



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