
For Successful Marriages - Relationship Coaching, Skills-Training and Innovative Learning


I welcome you to our online center for marriage and relationship growth, serving couples and individuals who want to succeed at commitment and are willing to assume responsibility for their own learning.

I believe that learning to love is our life's highest purpose. I believe that marriage and committed relationships offer great opportunities for fulfilling that purpose. I also believe that striving to succeed at commitment can be a deeply meaningful - and even joyous – process. Hence my interest in helping couples succeed.

The programs offered on this site have been shaped both by the experiences of my own marriage and by my years as a relationship counselor and coach. Doing relationship work with couples and individuals has convinced me that protracted complaining about one's partner and the relationship is a destructive indulgence that benefits no one.

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Promising Partnerships, Inc.
South Portland Maine
United States 04106
(207) 767-7135

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