
Craigs Good Girls Escort Directory and Resources


Excerpted from the website:

This site is for entertainment purposes only. It is a place where users can post fantasies or stories for other members to view. We have no control over the contents or data, therefore we assume they are fiction and are for amusement only. The information on this site contains explicit language and is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. All models were at least 18 years old when they were photographed. We are not affiliated with any escorts, studios, porn stars or any one reviewed on this site. We do not receive any financial gain from the ladies reviewed. This site is NOT intended for solicitation. All ladies reviewed on this site are professional and any money exchange is for companionship only. Anything else that occurs is a matter of choice between two or more consenting adults. By clicking the "ENTER" button or gaining access to this site, you are making the following statements: "I am an adult, at least 18 years of age or 21 years of age depending on my community and it is legal to view adult materials in my community." "I will not permit any person(s) under 18 years of age to have access to this site." "I understand the standards and laws of the community to which I am downloading and transporting this material and I am solely responsible for my actions. I do not find sexual material to be offensive or objectionable. If I use these services in violation of the above agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and/or federal laws and I am solely responsible for my actions." "I understand by clicking the enter button or gaining access to this site I will discharge and release the owners, web designers, and web hosting companies any and all liabilities which may arise." "I will not bookmark and provide information to bypass this warning page to access this adult site." CraigsGoodGirls and/or Amillion Entertainment is a not for profit site offered to the public on an 'as is' basis. The owners of this site assume no liability for the views or opinions expressed on this site. The information on this site is intended for mature audiences only, by definition, in the state of California, you must be 18 or older to view the information on this site. If you are a resident of California and are under 18 years of age, you must leave this site now. If you are not a California resident, and are not aware of the legal requirements for the area in which you reside, you must leave this site now. If you conform to the requirements in the area you are located, you may continue. The author of this site assumes no liability for images (pictures, photos, etc.) posted on this site. It is assumed that the person who posts the images has the legal right to post the pictures and any legal documentation necessary regarding model information , etc. (18 U.S.C. 2257, every "Producer" of certain "sexually explicit content" must keep records proving the people portrayed in photos or videos are over the age of 18. Producers of sexually explicit content who don't comply face federal prison terms of up to 5 years for the first offense and up to 10 years for the second offense.) CraigsGoodGirls and/or Amillion Entertainment assumes no responsibility regarding the liability of misuse or misappropriation of images. In short, if they aren't your pictures, don't use them.
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