


For some reason I keep thinking it's a good idea for all web site owners to publish meta-information about their web sites. There are several reasons why you might not want to do this, of course. Most of them have to deal with information security reasons. If you happen to be a malicious hacker who's trying to deface my site, giving you any detailed information about the tools and techniques I use to create it could help you. But that's a pretty paranoid way of looking at life; and I've got to tell you anything I can do to unstressify myself and wend my way back to thinking of people as essentially beautiful and not a "sack full of weaknesses." [1] More important, I think, is sharing with people information about tools, techniques, and so forth.

So... what's so interesting about this site aside from it's content? Well... a couple things. First off, I'm editing it with VooDooPad from Flying Meat Software ( ). It's sort of a "local wiki." When editing the source, you just type into a regular text editing window. When you want to link to another page, you highlight the page and tell the editor to create a new page based on the text you highlighted. If you're a fan of Wiki's (and who isn't these days), you'll find that VooDooPad does a lot of what you want Wiki's to do, but there's the benefit that you get to do local editing. This means I can edit this file while on the road, and I can use an editor that behaves like the other editors on my system. VooDooPad has the ability to export to XML and to HTML. What you're reading now probably came from an HTML export.

One of the things I like about using VooDooPad is that I can create a HTML template that wraps all the text content with HTML goodness.

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