
Woodcock Family Home


The family history databases at this site are produced by IGM Ver. 2.3 (Copyright 1996 © Tim Doyle). The operating system is FreeBSD Unix and the space and internet connectivity are provided via

The true value of the IGM processes, written in Perl, are the absolute ease of updating the data, the inclusion of all notes and sources, and the ability to link images to individuals within the database. (NOTE: The original IGM scripts on this server have been modified to my own needs. In addition, all Gedcom files are 'hidden' to protect them from commercial sites.)

This is a Family History site! I am not a genealogist, just a person searching for information and history regarding all of my ancestors and their families. Some of the data presented may be in error, some omissions are surely to have occurred, and some of the stories that are (or will be in the future) included may not all be happy ones. If there are errors found they can be corrected in very short order, that is the value of this system. All E-Mail regarding this site and it's content, is welcomed - positive or negative.

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