
Shop for Flowers and Gifts from your Teleflora Florist in Daytona Beach, FL


About Simply Roses Florist

Simply Roses Florist is committed to 100% customer satisfaction. For over 10 years we have offered great flowers at great prices. If you are ever dissatisfied for any reason, just pick up the phone and call me- Steve Bruno, the owner- and allow me the chance to make it right. Simply Roses is a full service florist with local or worldwide delivery.

Areas covered by Simply Roses Florist

Our shop serves the following areas: Daytona Beach, Ormond By The Sea, Ormond Beach, Holly Hill, South Daytona, Port Orange, Wilbur By The Sea, Ponce Inlet, all beachside locations, and all areas out towards Deland including Indian Lake Road.

Simply Roses Florist business hours

Our shop is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.

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Simply Roses Florist
Daytona Beach FL
US 32114

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