
massage therapy schools, devon shiatsu uk


"I'd like to say a personal thank you for all your care and guidance during my stay in Devon. You run a wonderful school and I'm privileged to have been a part of it for a year. Underlying all that precision in teaching the Shiatsu syllabus, has always been love and support, for which I am extremely grateful"


The Devon School of Shiatsu was established in 1985 and was one of the first schools offering in-depth training in Shiatsu in this country. It has gained a wide reputation for the quality of its training courses. Many graduates of the School have set up successful, full or part-time Shiatsu practices. In our approach to teaching Shiatsu we see the individual development of students as an integral part of their learning of the skills of giving Shiatsu. We therefore endeavor to give the highest quality of teaching of the skills, knowledge, and techniques of Shiatsu, and at the same time, to nurture the individual learning and development of students.

To meet these dual aims we generally restrict the size of our classes to about sixteen students, and have one main teacher for each of the Year One, Year Two and Year Three Courses. The main course teacher acts as course tutor and teaches regularly throughout the course and so can get to know individual students, monitor their progress and help deal with any problems. Some weekends are taught by other teachers to bring variety and expertise in particular areas of study, and on all weekends there are two or more teaching assistants, who are all past graduates of the school.

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