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Additional Infromation

Environment / Global Warming
Big Picture Sustainable Architecture
Takes Cues From the Original Green: Nature
Glass that "breathes" like gills, solar cells that imitate leaves, and other biomimetic technologies
by Blaine Brownell
From the March 2009 issue; published online March 2, 2009
Some biomimicry efforts are tackling large-scale challenges such as supplying energy to an entire building.
The Kyoto-based company Kyosemi has developed a power-harvesting solar cell that imitates the way that trees :collect sunlight from various angles with their leaves. Called Sphelar, the product comprises little :spherical cells that can be incorporated into a building’s windows. Unlike standard photovoltaic panels, :Sphelar can absorb light from many directions, providing more consistent power generation as the sun moves
across the sky.


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