
A task may seem to be done when the desired result is first achieved. We allow ourselves this brief sense of accomplishment by reserving the word "done" for this state. However, to be "done done" means that all the little consequences of our work have been explored and addressed.

Just Enough

A done done project meets the expectations of the people who envisioned/developed it. It adds all the value to the overall scheme of things that was intended. No more thought or effort is required for this project and the concerned people can safely move on.

Getting a project to done done usually requires some exploration with others. This may be the reason why people often fall short of this goal. One must step outside of their own sphere of influence and engaging the assistance of others.

But, when working with others, they often suggest additional functionality that might be useful but isn't strictly required to get the desired benefit from the current work. Don't do it. That is another project. Don't do it to yourself either. Tracking down the last details adds to the real cost of any project. Get good at getting these costs under control before volunteering additional functionality at further cost.

Don't Forget

Here we will accumulate a list of things worth checking before you call a project done done. Our emphasis will be software projects though other projects probably have the same concerns.

  • A great project will have an AcceptanceTest. Start there.
  • Will some sort of roll-out be required? Have you checked with everyone?
  • Are all the pieces checked into source control? Will others be able to find them?
  • Will there be performance consequences? Are they measured? Is there a plan to watch for unexpected problems?

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