can connect you with a knowledgeable Side-by-Side Tutor 24/7.


Side by Side Tutors is an online resource connecting you with a knowledgeable tutor that helps with homework, projects, or papers. Our aim is to help you figure the problem out, and then how to solve it. We'll never give the answer and we'll always double-check your work. Side by Side wants to ensure that you understand the process so you can do it again on your own. That's the difference between memorization and actual learning.

The tutors who work for Side by Side Tutors are real, live people and deliver real advice, help and guidance. They have all been screened and carefully verified to be sure of their expertise. Our staff includes retired teachers and professors, graduate students and professionals currently working in their field of study. All of our tutors have undergone mock tutoring sessions, and an exam on the subject in which they will tutor and are subject to occasional monitoring of sessions.

It's easy to get started with a Side by Side Tutor. Simply signup and get a tutor instantly. Then connect to the online classroom and discuss your questions via instant messaging. Use the chalk board to draw out equations or clarify a timeline. Use your time wisely but don't end the session until you fully understand the subject. As the saying goes, if you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime.

Side by Side Tutors are available 24/7 and are always online so you can get the help you need, on your schedule. There aren't any time limits for your session because people don't always learn in the same timeframe.

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