supports medical imaging treatment, education and research.


American Society of Emergency Radiology


Our History

In 1987, while attending Harvard’s Emergency Radiology course, eight radiologists met to discuss the formation of a new group to define and disseminate the body of knowledge unique to emergency radiology. The American Society of Emergency Radiology was formed in 1988 from this small nucleus and has steadily increased in numbers and interest, providing consultation to radiologists and corporations who deal with emergency radiology challenges. Since 1995 the Society membership has sponsored a new journal of practical imaging, Emergency Radiology, in which peer reviewed articles are presented and discussed.

To establish Emergency Radiology as an area of special interest in the field of diagnostic imaging including sequencing, prioritization, and management of the delivery of imaging services.

To provide through an annual scientific meeting, a mechanism for presentation of scientific information on various aspects of Emergency Radiology and continuing education.


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