
Family Financial Credit Union


The credit union is a not-for-profit financial cooperative, which is owned and directed by its members. The members of the credit union pool their financial resources in order to help each other.

At Family Financial Credit Union you are a member not a customer. Everyone who belongs to the credit union is a part owner of the credit union and is known as a member. The members of a credit union usually have a common bond, such as, they work for the same company, are related, attend the same church or live in the same geographic location. People within this common bond are said to be in the credit union's field of membership.

Employees of the Sealed Power Company started the credit union in 1942 as the Sealed Power Employees Credit Union. Initially the credit union served just the employees of Sealed Power, but over the years membership has been made available to relatives of members. Additional groups were added through mergers with Muskegon Printing and Industrial Employees Credit Union and West Michigan Steel Employees Federal Credit Union. In the 1980s credit unions were allowed to serve groups whose members have a common bond with each other but not necessarily with the other members of the credit union. These groups are called Select Employee Groups. Family Financial Credit Union serves over 90 such groups.

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