
Wiki Pages Nominated to be Featured


This page is an overview of the community part of the feature process. Featured wiki pages can be pretty much anything in the AboutUs universe -- articles about domains, people, portals, help topics. For the step just prior to this one, please see FeatureMeNominating.

Notes from the community should be constructive with the ultimate goal of creating a dynamite page with great value to the community (ideal features meet that goal; they aren't just written to be featured).

The following pages have been recently nominated to be featured. Please leave comments/suggestions on these pages, they eagerly await your valuable feedback for improvement!

List of Recently Nominated pages, newest at the top

See all recently nominated pages

This is a list of pages that at least one community member says are ready for featuring. The more people say it's ready, the more likely it is to actually be featured. It's a kind of a never-ending election where winners are simply removed from time to time and the rest keep going. Template:clearleft

These are WikiPages nominated some time ago, that are about to be taken out of consideration for featuring due to lack of improvements to the page. Please see the individual comments and make more. Template:clearleft

See all pages on the Last Chance list

Under Discussion

These are WikiPages that have been nominated, with comments made which are awaiting action. Generally, they need a little bit more work before they can be considered ready for featuring.

Who is nurturing these pages?

We encourage contributions on these discussions from anyone, without need to make a big time commitment. And, in order to make all nominees are cared for, the following people have agreed to put groups of pages (and discussions) on their watchlists. Feel add yourself to any of the groups below if you are interested in helping with the process.

The process of becoming a Featured WikiPage begins with the nomination process which adds a tag to pages community members believe could be good pages for AboutUs to be featured.

The idea with the nomination system is to generate discussion about a specific wiki page and to provide pointers to help editors polish their pages with the hopes of becoming a Featured article. Community members review these discussions and pages by looking at the FeatureMePotentials list which is all the candidates currently nominated.

While this presents a quick and easy method for people who might be new to the AboutUs system or new to wiki editing, it does require a bit of behind-the-scenes editing to then build the FeatureMePotentials list after WikiPages have been nominated.

Please comment on how this mechanism for promoting featured pages is working. Feel free to add any suggestions on how to improve the process.

Participate in the Discussion

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