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This site describes the services offered by Gail Cavanaugh, a business consultant. Services include website design, marketing, branding, search engine optimization, merchant services, and cover art for children's books.


Buyers fall into one of four categories:

1) Habitual shoppers will always purchase from the same place in the same way,

2) High value deal seekers know what they need and will channel surf before they make a purchase at the lowest price,

3) Variety-loving shoppers will gather information from many channels enjoy high touch services, but will only buy in a favorite channel regardless of the price,

4) High-involvement shoppers will gather information in all of the channels, make their purchase in a low cost channel, but avail themselves of customer support in a high touch channel.

What marketing channels do you use to get your products into the customer's hands and are they convenient for the customer? Explore these issues and more during your consultation with me.


Located at Portsmouth, Rhode Island 02871

Office telephone: 401-846-1896

Mobile phone: 401-835-8268

Fax: 401-846-1896

Literacy Consultant and Spanish Teacher

Providing communication solutions for your multilingual staff or students. Creates courses and seminars for multilingual people who desire to improve their speaking and writing skills. Classes are comfortable and the goal is to help create a feeling of belonging. To find out more why good speaking and writing skills are essential, read more here.

  • Do your multilingual staff members speak better than they write?
  • Are you considering promoting a multilingual staff member whose writing skills are inadequate?
  • Do your multilingual staff members hesitate to speak English?
  • Do any of your multilingual staff members lack education?
  • Do your multilingual staff members need someone to translate your instructions in their own language before they complete instructions?
  • Are you seeking a program which will enable students to develop tolerance toward other cultures?

If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions, then you will benefit from my programs.

Freelance writer for Triond


Writes about business, finance, marketing, prosperity, literacy, economic issues, banking issues, and any other articles of interest to business owners, students, and creative people. Triond is a writing community for writers who are interested in getting paid to publish their works. Read the articles and offer your comments. Read more...

Freelance writer for Suite 101


Writes about business and finance for business owners and retailers. The articles will keep successful business owners informed about the latest developments in their industry. The topics include marketing, credit card processing, sales, economic and banking issues. Read the articles and offer your comments.

Freelance Designer

Designer of Websites, corporate letterhead, logos, business cards, brochures, childrens book illustrations, writes business plans, marketing plans, and manuals for corporations. Creating a unique brand for your business which will give your business a distinctive edge over the competition.

Financial Literacy

Founder of Prospering Christians where students and businesses can learn to develop healthy work ethics for prosperity and debt management according to Biblical principles. Christians can change their behavior regarding work and money management and become more prosperous through healthy relationships with others. Consultations and seminars offered.

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