Geocode and map domain pages with multiple addresses

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What (summary)

Problems happen with pages like or, which have offices in multiple cities. The former doesn't have an address coming up due to the way the WikiPage is formatted, the latter only shows the Portland address in the WikiPage's domain box. Presumably, when we do SeattleTech, this then becomes a weird outlier in the map.

As we work on Oldcastle, this is becoming more of a problem, because so many company domain pages will have HQ, plant and retail locations.

Why this is important

Critical to the development of paying customers PortlandTech and Oldcastle (as well as developing technology for future portal sponsors). We've promised this functionality to Oldcastle.



  • Pages with two addresses have two flags in the map in the DomainBox
  • Addresses (in the article text) can be prefixed with a label like "Office" or "Retail location" the exact formatting of this is open to negotiation, see: for an example of how this might work. Ask TakKendrick if you have questions or thoughts.
  • Intersect maps pick up all the addresses for pages that are part of a portal
  • You can add an optional label to an address and that label shows up on the push pin for the address intersect as " Label" and on the page itself as "Label"

A label would be signified by a bold on one of more words in the first line of an address, for example:

Address 1
120 Main St.
Portland, OR
Address 2
600 Happy Lane
Beaverton, OR

Steps to get to DoneDone

Related Issues

GoogleMaps has data for Lahore, Pakistan (which was initially the concern), however, there's a bunch of unintended consequences with our intersected maps for LahoreTech:

  • Pakistani addresses are formatted so differently than US ones, they don't map in our domain box. Likewise, we don't have information to plot on maps for the LahoreTech portal, except for those few domain article that list simply "Lahore, Pakistan" as an address (which naturally doesn't help on a map, if you don't know it's in Lahore, you're in the wrong portal).
  • Since LahoreTech is full of satellite companies (like AboutUs and MentorGraphics), the map intersect is pickup up those addresses and centering somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

This seems like an excellent opportunity to explore something different with this portal so I'm going to build it without maps for now, and think about how to refactor better over the weekend. -- TakKendrick

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