
Metal Matrix - Welcome to


When George has time off from his regular job, he usually finds himself being herded by his wife to fantastic geological somethings. However, during these escapades, they always find time to visit any museums that display natural history, archaeology, or anthropology with an emphasis on the American Indian. He always carries his Indian Territory map with him and makes stops at designated monuments where Anasazi ruins are open to public viewing and especially makes stops where there are petroglyphs or pictographs for study.

George began his artistic journey in west Texas during his childhood and that continued on into his service in the Armed Forces where he experimented with lost wax casting of jewelry. He did not develop his true talent until he began working with metal as a profession. George has been welding in the field of fabrication for nearly 30 years and has the ability to make any metal material into any shape he can imagine. His favorite saying is "I've done so much with so little for so long, I am now qualified to do anything with nothing".

George's father tells him he is part Cherokee and that has inspired him to devote much of his talent to replicating American Indian hunting or ceremonial implements, regalia, pottery, jewelry, etc. The items are never ending due to his desire to capture American Indian life with all the realism that can be recreated with metal. His most prized creation has been the life size Indian headdress made from various metal alloys titled "with each feather being a man".

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