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vegetable oil into bio-fuel for your car no conversion kit


The easy how to guide for making your own bio-fuel from used vegetable oil the easy way. No vehicle modifications or conversion kit is necessary. Use the greaseandgo bio-fuel.

Due to the media coverage on TV many of us know that a car or truck or other device can be powered with vegetable oil. Maybe this sounds nice to you ... helping our planet by burning a fuel that is better for the environment.

The second best part of using vegetable oil as a fuel, it is FREE. Restaurants use the oil to fry foods and then they need to have it removed and probably pay for this service. You might as well take the cooking oil, it is free and you can use it to power your car or truck. Even a small restaurant will give you 5 - 15 gallons every week, 1 or 2 restaurants in your neighborhood is all you need.

Diesel engines run clean and are 20% more efficient than gasoline engines. But why is all the black smoke coming from diesel vehicles? It is the dirty burning cheap petrolium products that the oil companies sell us known as diesel fuel. Bio-fuels are cleaner and better for the environment with only a little visible smoke, grey not black. Most people would rather sniff the pleasent smell french fries or egg rolls coming out of the exhaust pipe. Nobody wants to be breathing the nausious black petroleum diesel soot.

Also sold at the gas stations is a diesel fuel called "B20 Diesel fuel", it is only 20% biodiesel fuel, it is only a little cleaner burning than regular pump diesel. In the year 1895 Rudolph Diesel's diesel engines were powered with peanut oil. Then the big oil companies saw a way to make money selling the dirty crap that was left over when making gasoline and began selling what we know now as diesel fuel.

I have been driving on vegetable oil now for years, now vehicles all over the world are driven daily using fuel made with our vegetable oil processing system. Technology is the key, it is not only the greaseandgo formula .... our system was designed by spending thousands of dollars and years prefecting the system, We have purchased all the things that were over priced, leak, break, melt, and do not work. I am offering the greaseandgo technology to people who want it, we are not selling any of the components to make the system, all of the parts are available at your local hardware store. No shipping costs to get the items to you, you just pick them up at the local hardware store yourself. It works and is so easy to do, you do not need to be a chemistry major. Just follow the simple instructions. No gimmicks no jokes no lies.

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