
Healthy is Natural


Excerpted from the website:

You and I were born with certain rights - among those life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Closely entwined in all that is our health. To pursue happiness and guard the lives and health of those we love, you and I have a responsibility to become our own best health professionals. It's a responsibility too big to turn over to the medical community. Being your doctor or practitioner is their job. Your health is your job and if you don't take responsibility for it, it is you who will experience the ultimate loss. Much of the medical industry would have you believe that only a drug can cure sickness and disease. Meanwhile, promotions flood networks and magazines, turning behavioral problems into diseases and touting drugs as our best prevention. The medical and pharmaceutical industry is big business. Your business is to do what it takes to stay healthy all your life. We have a right to know what every resource has to offer and to freely choose how to spend our own health dollars. We have a right and responsibility to pursue our own health and happiness. If we come across or buy into wrong information, fine. Most of us are discerning enough to understand our options, and unlike so much of government, we are accustomed to facing the consequences of our decisions. We don't need someone or some agency bigger or smarter telling us what we can know and not know. We have a reponsibility to protect our health and the health of those who come to us for answers. We have to know every option so we can make our own decisions.
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