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Hedgehog Central


Hedgehog Central is a one-stop resource site for pet hedgehog owners and those interested in their proper care and keeping. It offers current advice, a valuable color guide a discussion forum a member-supported Photo Gallery plus many useful and fun resources for children and adults alike.

Hedgehog Central began as a newsletter publication in June, 1994. By 1996 it was the newsletter for the International Hedgehog Fancier's Society, (now the IHA ) the organization that introduced hedgehog shows to the world and brought hedgehogs from obscurity into the forefront of the domestic pet market. These pages were first created in 1998 as a comprehensive guide to owning and caring for the domestic hedgehog under the name, "Hedgehog Hobby." In January 2002, the "Hobby" site's owner, Bryan Smith, purchased the domain name "HedgehogCentral.com" - something that was easily recognized and representative of the newsletter's history.




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Additional Information

Hedgehogs are a lot more than just another pretty face. Their contribution to history, folklore and even medical knowledge is extensive. Despite all of this, the lowly hedgehog has remained surrounded by an aura of mystery and superstition. Oftentimes misunderstood and maligned, it is only in this past century that hedgehogs have come into their own, becoming popular in literature, and now, since the early 1990's, being kept and even revered as domestic pets. Try the links below to learn more about these wonderful, quilly critters.

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