
Holiday Rentals Canada, Ontario, B&B Accommodation in Burlington, Self Catering in Collingwood. Tent Trailer Rentals.


Excerpted from the website description:

Holiday Rentals Accommodation in Ontario, Canada. Visit Toronto / Niagara Falls, Cottage Area on Georgian Bay. Rent a folding tent trailer and explore Ontario. Stay in our B&B and guest suite. Self Catering holiday apartment flat condo in Collingwood. British Ex pats invite you to join us in our home, located in Burlington, Ontario (40 minutes west of Toronto) and / or stay at our Self Catering Holiday Flat / condo in Collingwood, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron (2 hours north Toronto). Tent trailer rentals or delivery to camp site and setup. Glamping holiday, Holiday lets, holiday lettings, private rent, self contained .

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