HometownLocator.com :Local info, Road maps and community profiles of cities of US


US Cities Gazetteer: Data for 42,500 US Cities, Towns & ZIP Codes


HTL, Inc. creates easy to use tools for quickly finding local information!

Community Profiles for 42,500 US cities, towns and ZIP codes with census, demographic and income data, parks, schools, libraries, hospitals, airports, environmental conditions, local newspapers, media outlets, employment, maps, coordinates and aerial photos.

US Gazetteer - Comprehensive and easy to use U.S. gazetteer with data for 1.8 million physical and cultural features, census information for 98,000 local areas and distance calculations for 177,000 populated places. Links to aerial photos, regional, local and topological maps.

Local Weather - almost anywhere! - Find current and forecast weather conditions for local, national and international locations including 6,000 airports in 200 countries. Info includes local times for sunrise and sunset.




HTL, Inc.
Vero Beach FL
United States 32960

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