
Wooden Clay Target Clocks


Excerpted from the website:

As a Hobby I am making wooden clay target clocks that resemble a clay target. Each clock is hand carved on a lathe and finished by hand. There will be slight differences in each clock, but I strive to keep them as close as possible to each other. There approx. 4 1/4" in circumference, and I can paint them orange with black rim, make them out of red oak,black walnut and oil stain them. I usualy make them on an made to order basis. Will be taking better pictures soon, and will post them on here and updating website to better it. Please come back often . My Email is in the bottom left hand corner of each page. Please e-mail me with any questions, comments, special requests. Methods of Payment are PayPal or International Money in US Funds. Please sign my Guest Book so other people know how good my clocks really are. Thank you
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