has info for collectors of antique transmission line insulators



Glass Insulators Reference Site


The site is the largest, most complete web site about glass and porcelain insulators on the Web, and is completely searchable. Included is just about everything you ever wanted to know about insulators and their collectors:

  • hobby magazines and books
  • price guides
  • insulator reference numbers
  • insulator photographs
  • collectors' personal sites
  • clubs
  • shows
  • history
  • insulator auctions
  • for sale / trade / wanted ads
  • reference materials
  • research articles
  • patents
  • insulator hobby terms
  • collecting tips
  • news


Glass Insulators were first produced in the 1850's for use with telegraph lines. As technology developed insulators were needed for telephone lines, electric power lines, and other applications. In the mid 1960's a few people began collecting these glass and porcelain insulators. Today there are over 2000 collectors, and insulator clubs, national shows, and good reference books are available.


Insulators were collected for years, mostly by linemen. The hobby grew over the years through shows, backyard get-togethers, and the National Insulator Association (NIA). In 1995, insulators were on the World Wide Web.

The site was originally under a different name and url before Bill Meier took it under his wing in 1996, further uniting collectors from around the globe.


On the

One of the first attributes of the site was a mailing list. It began with a central list of email addresses of collectors - approximately 14 people in 1994. Collectors that join Insulator Collectors on the Net (ICON) can all send messages to one address, and the messages are then sent to to every members' email account. Since then, a chat room has also been added.

Bill started many collectors on the web by hosting their personal sites for free, at These have culminated in the ICON web ring. Many of the sites display the collector's own insulators, and many are excellent sources of insulator research.



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