is a site about interval training for fitness and weight loss.


Features interval training for fitness and weight loss. Provides many interval training programs and learning resources. Interval training will reduce body fat and improve fitness in shorter workouts than traditional steady-state cardio training. Interval training involves alternating bouts of work intervals with rest intervals. The rest interval is a generic term that can mean exercising at a lower intensity than the work interval or to stop exercising completely. The object of interval training is to push yourself during the work intervals and back off during the rest intervals. Intervals can be performed on a variety of cardio equipment or with any suitable physical activity.

Here's an interval example that involves six sets of 30 second work intervals followed by 30 second rest intervals. The work interval will be running and the rest interval will be walking. So you will run for 30 seconds then walk for 30 seconds and repeat these intervals for each set. Start with a 5 minute warm up, then perform the intervals, and follow them with a 5 minute cool down.

Intervals: Run 30 seconds + Walk 30 seconds

Sets: 6

Time: 6 min.

On you will find information and tips on performing intervals, designing interval programs, using the target heart rate zone to monitor exercise intensity, using cardio equipment and gear during intervals, plus much more. There are many interval training programs and resources to learn from. Whether you're new or experienced at interval training there is useful material for everyone.

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