
Trout Spinner Flies and Inline Spinners -


Jerry's Flies originated in 1975, with only six of the standard spinner fly patterns for trout fishing, such as the Black Gnat, Brown Hackle, Black Wooly Worm, Royal Coachman, March Brown, and Muddler. From these types of patterns, many other color combinations have been developed through field testing, today, after 30 years, they are still among the best patterns.

The original patterns were developed without a stinger Size 14 treble hook, but it was soon discovered that many fish, when striking short, were not being hooked. After adding this treble hook, the problem was solved. We also discovered that if the treble hook was tied tight up against the main hook, it would protrude straight back into the tail of the fly and any strike which occurred at the tail of the fly would hook the fish.

Experimenting with different size spinner blades is also an important factor. The blade is used as an attractant. In off colored water, especially in the spring, a larger blade, Size 2 or 3, produces more fish. One of the most important factors when using the spinner flies is to retrieve the lures very slowly and work the lure close to the bottom.

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Nashville TN
US 37212


Jerry's Flies
Bridgeport WV
US 26330

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