

k0a1a.net + danja vasiliev


Excerpted from the website description:

I [don't] like computers, these machines that do almost everything for us, yet not asking what we actually want... I like to break them open and use the insides to make other things, some times other computers. I'm excited about giving old hardware new roles and characters. Those leaking capacitors and naked microchips are the toys of my days It seems important to me to bring and explain to people how easy it is actually to confuse or sabotage established systems, what can be the [dis]advantage of [mis]using computers or computer softwares and what consequences and surprises we can expect from the growing popularity of technological innovations. danja vasiliev vassiliev wasiliew dania koala.ru koala ru koala binary koala binary-koala binary.koala media art computer installation art computers as art net art network ark network is our future god bless internet linux art doing crazy things with computers hacking linux hacking for art pietzwart academy rotterdam russian artist in holland aki bachelor all your base are belong to us computer art machinic art art out of machine

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