
Mahatma Reiki - a holistic healing system that creates health, relaxation, peace and balance in body, mind and spirit


What Is Mahatma Reiki?

Mahatma Reiki is a marriage of a system of Reiki and the integrated energy of the "I AM Presence" called Mahatma. The marriage of the nine Reiki symbols and the opportunity available through the "I AM Presence" - Mahatma, gives you the tools to make the changes needed into this new millennium with grace.

Many of you may already be familiar with Reiki. Most of you will have been working with the Usui system, or a system based on Usui, perhaps with extra symbols. You therefore, already appreciate the wonderful gifts Reiki brings to your life in many ways. Mahatma Reiki brings all the wonderful gifts you've been experiencing plus many more. It is a frequency of divine energy for healing, whose purpose is to empower. For those of us choosing to work/live and have our "being" in the light, Mahatma Reiki gives you a profound spiritual toolkit to work with. It is a particularly integrated energy to assist you in remembering who you really are.

Reiki creates a "bridge" between our human existence and our oneness with God/Spirit the Universal Presence. By using symbols this attunement to our Godself is made, and becomes a simple and accessible tool for healing on all levels. Mahatma Reiki, allows alignment and integration in the physical, emotional and mental levels of our being, so that we can more fully access our spiritual potential. Through using this energy in your life on a daily basis you begin to realize who you really are. The word empowerment is the closest description we have to describe this experience.

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