
Marycliff Allergy Specialist


Marycliff Allergy Specialists is a specialty medical clinic that focuses on the treatment of allergy, asthma, and immunology. We consider our treatments to be state of the art. The clinic stays up to date on the latest research that can be put into practice, and participates in research itself. Our immunotherapy protocols are new and frequently reassessed. The current protocol has produced excellent results using high dose immunotherapy for patients who suffer from allergic disorders such as rhinitis and asthma.

Our goal is to "cure" the underlying allergy rather than suppress symptoms with medications. If a patient is shown to have allergies by the skin testing, we aggressively treat the patient, which produces impressive results. We treat the patient by giving allergy shots, which when given over time causes a decrease in allergy symptoms.

Asthmatic patients who have concurrent allergies also benefit from our aggressive immunotherapy. Once the allergy is controlled in asthmatic patients, allergy-induced asthma is minimized, and the need for medications can be reduced.

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Inland Northwest Health Services
Spokane WA
United States 99201

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