Landscape photography specializing in urban scenes.

Robin McAulay Photography

A website that showcases the contemporary photography of Robin McAulay and other independent photographers.



Additional Information

Robin McAulay's work traverses aspects surrounding contemporary culture and the infinite materialization of urban landscape. As a photographer his images combine conceptual, abstract elements, and simultaneously questioning common notions of the sociology of neo-primitivism in modern Europe. He positions himself within the ubiquitous dualism of dynamism and subversion of allegorical images as patterns.

McAulay's photographic images are simply a static synthesis of the conceptual and the non-static of ideological foundation. His creative strategy is an assault on 21st century geomorphology of colour and space. McAulay engages in a collective dialogue, constructing realities and explores abstract and dynamic scenery as motifs to describe the idea of hyper-real space. Symbiotic dialogue is sanctioned putting into place forms and dynamics, conceptual loops to non-linear narratives.

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