is the law office of Chaifetz & Coyle in Maryland


The Maryland mortgage modification lawyers at Chaifetz & Coyle have the experience to handle your loan modification process. If you need help dealing with nagging lenders, call us today at 443-546-4608 to see if we can give you more information or set up a confidential case consultation.

Avoid foreclosure and keep your home with payments you can afford

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If you are struggling to make your mortgage payments or are worried about an interest rate adjustment, we may be able to help you. The Maryland mortgage modification lawyers of Chaifetz & Coyle, P.C. have many years of experience aiding individuals who are constantly being hounded by lenders for pricey mortgage payments.

We may be able to talk to the lenders for you and work out an agreement that will get your monthly payments lowered to an amount you are able to pay off. If you need help keeping your home and making your payments on time, call our law office today at 443-546-4608 and schedule a confidential case consultation with one of our attorneys.

Chaifetz & Coyle, P.C. Practice Areas

We are dedicated to helping our clientele fight foreclosure and keep their homes. We understand how precious the home is and know what it takes to bargain with lenders. If you have been having trouble making payments on time, call one of our Maryland mortgage modification attorneys today at 443-546-4608 and ask us about the following:


Frequently Asked Questions

The law office of Chaifetz & Coyle, P.C. offers a large array of articles on their website for those who need to learn the facts beforehand. You can also go to the frequently asked questions page to learn more about which questions are frequently brought up and their answers.

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