
PlanetGuru The # 1 Portal for South Asians in the US


PlanetGuru, launched in 1998, is the fastest growing online media company targeting South Asians in North America. PlanetGuru reaches out to the South Asian community with its popular website. It aims at connecting the South Asian community with their roots in South Asia. is a rich web portal with 30 city chapters (28 US and 2 Canadian cities). The site carries community news and information on events from different cities, with the latest from South Asia. Besides the latest news, you can find daily updated city classifieds and comprehensive community yellow pages. The entertainment section brings to you the latest from Bollywood - including streaming videos, latest reviews and previews and much more. Astrology, arts and culture, immigration, real estate, cooking and travel are some of the very popular channels on this website.

PlanetGuru caters to South Asians in North America in the age group of 16-64 years. With an average annual income of $88,000, the South Asian community in the US is among the most affluent with a very high disposable income. This community also lays a very high stress on education with a high percentage of graduates in the community. The website enjoys great affinity among this set of audience.



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