
The New Mommies' Network(TM)-information, events for parents,babies,newborns,expectant parents,parents,toddlers, preschoolers. New mommy events,luncheons,baby events,new parents,network for new mommies,babies,parents.


In 1995, like many first-time moms, Lori felt isolated. She spent all day taking care of her new baby, and rarely had the opportunity for adult conversation. Overwhelmed by motherhood, tired and stir-crazy, she needed to get out --- and go somewhere for a nice lunch.

She didn't know many other women in the neighborhood with newborns, but she knew they were out there --- they nodded and smiled at each other as they pushed their carriages by on the street. Sometimes, they even stopped to ask her about her umbrella stroller or diaper bag.

Her husband was amazed at this instant bonding of strangers in New York City. "It's like a secret club," he said, "a mommies' network."

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