Title - Pics and Movies at Nut In Her Mouth


Excerpted from the website:

Current Comments: NUTINHERMOUTH relaxed on the floor, warm with clothes. The next three hours were magical, as they either pleasured themselves or each other. Many of them had never had a homosexual experience before. A few, just a week before, would have said that lesbians disgusted them. But now they knew better as they felt unimaginable thrills rise up in their stomachs, as they group kissed, four at once. They adored the warmth of each other's bodies, the smoothness of each other's flesh. They gorged themselves on each other's tastes, every woman slightly different. Seven of them heaped into the chair, then napped in the bosoms of their friends and lovers, Bobbi on bottom. No work was done that day; no matter, nothing was coming in.
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