

Overcomers Outreach


Overcomers Outreach is a ministry that was born out of a deep need of a support system for individuals and families within evangelical Christian churches. Overcomers Outreach support groups use the Bible and the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to minister to individuals who are affected by alcohol, mind altering drugs, sexual addiction, gambling, food and other compulsive behaviors or dependencies. Family members are welcome at our meetings.

Overcomers Outreach provides a two-way BRIDGE between traditional 12-Step support groups and people within churches of all denominations.

Individuals within the church who have kept their problems hidden or have been reluctant to attend recovery groups in the community can come to Christ-centered Overcomers Outreach groups and due to rule of anonymity, they find a safe place to share.

Overcomers Outreach support groups are sharing groups, not therapy groups. Lay people facilitate the groups, and anyone who has been working a 12-Step recovery program for at least one year can lead an O.O. meeting.

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